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“Auto-Pilot” May Not Be Perfect, But It May Be Better

Virtually every day there are media reports regarding the introduction of driverless cars to mainstream consumers.  As driverless cars rapidly accelerate from concept to commercialization, it is becoming increasingly apparent that technological refinements remain necessary and are ongoing in response

Posted in Automotive

U.S. DOT Moving Closer to Certification of Driverless Cars

Motor vehicle design continues to make significant technological leaps incorporating a number of automated features, with many manufacturers pioneering the concept of driverless cars. What was once the stuff of science fiction is making significant headway towards full-scale production and

Posted in Automotive

Federal Preemption Narrowed For Aviation Suppliers In Sikkelee v. Precision Airmotive Corp.

On April 19, 2016, the Third Circuit Court of Appeals issued its opinion on the issue of federal preemption in Sikkelee v. Precision Airmotive Corp.  The sixty-one page opinion effectively narrowed the scope of federal preemption and held that aviation

Posted in Uncategorized

POM Wonderful LLC v. Coca Cola Co.: legal battle nearly over, but industry litigation landscape forever changed…

On March 18, 2016, Pom Wonderful LLC made closing arguments in its trial against Coca-Cola for the alleged misleading marketing of a pomegranate-blueberry juice which contained only trace amounts of either pomegranate or blueberry juice. Pom’s attorneys argued that Coca-Cola

Posted in Food

Washington Court Upholds Preemption Ruling for Aircraft Component Manufacturer

Last week, in the Estate of Virgil Becker v. Forward Technology Industries, Inc., a Washington appellate court upheld a lower court decision affirming the dismissal of claims against an aircraft component manufacturer on grounds of federal preemption.  This decision represents

Posted in Manufacturer

Texas Court’s Writ of Mandamus Relieves Discovery Pressures on Tire Manufacturer

A court in Harris County, Texas provided relief to Michelin North America Inc. in a case involving allegedly defective tires when it threatened to issue a writ of mandamus in favor of the tire manufacturer. The Texas appellate court conditionally

Posted in Uncategorized

When Good Food Goes Bad: Contamination and Product Liability

Last week, lunch came back to bite dozens of unsuspecting diners throughout Washington and Oregon. Something in Chipotle’s fresh, healthy, and responsibly-sourced fast food caused uncharacteristic sickness for those partaking. The likely culprit, E. coli bacteria, left Chipotle patrons seriously

Posted in FDA, Food

Not Driving in America: Navigating New Territory in Product Liability

Driving in America: It’s a task almost universally reviled by those with hour-long commutes, practically a right-of-way to adulthood, a pastime romanticized in films, and – maybe – a soon extinct activity? Ever since Google debuted the driverless car, people

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Posted in Automotive

Manufacturer Liability for Drones on the Horizon

Practically every day there are media reports of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), commonly referred to as drones, making unfortunate landings at concerts, parades and sporting events.  In October of 2014, Albania was awarded a victory in a European Championship soccer

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Posted in Drones
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Products Liability Prevention & Defense
Our attorneys represent foreign and domestic designers, manufacturers, and distributors of a diverse array of products, from food and drugs to industrial equipment and building materials. We help clients respond to major personal injury and property damage claims in the form of single-product cases, class actions, mass torts, and multidistrict litigation, as well as all types of congressional, regulatory, or criminal investigations. Our team works closely with corporate counsel to minimize a company’s overall liability and establish efficient protocols for fielding claims and advise on labeling, marketing, manuals and instructions, supply and distribution contracts, and insurance and indemnification issues.
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